about all kind of creative things I make...
As you see, I'm using Grav CMS to build this site. What drew me to Grav is its simplicity, speed, and flexibility. Unlike traditional CMS platforms that rely on databases, Grav is flat-file-based, meaning everything is stored as files. This approach makes the site incredibly fast and easy to manag...
I draw comics since forever. I don't have formal academic art education, but being self-taught I think that comic art (or visual novel) is the backbone of my style.
From time to time, I like to write short lyrics for a song. Some are just funny with absurd humour. Some are serious. Recently, I discovered Suno AI and athough I'm aware of AI ethical issues, it is just great to hear my lyrics sung.
Specifically "dry jokes" - one liners, based on wordplay or pure-nonsense. Since they're in Polish, my native language, they often cannot be easily translated.